Saturday, July 26, 2008

This is the painting that I painted at Carole Foret's studio this week during Art Academy. It is acrylic on chipboard. It was my first time having to paint the shading on a picture that I didnt have something to look at it. It definately took me a while, but I caught the hang of it after a while. Tell me what you think!

This is me in the process of my painting my shoe picture. I am very proud of it even though I struggled at first getting the lighting right... it was my first time to do a picture with lighting D: Right here i was trying to hurry because Carole and Anne Sutton had already started on their encaustic painting and i was excited to get started on that.


Anonymous said...

Aww Olivia its pretty. You did swell.

Anonymous said...

Olivia!! these are so good! I want a painting :)

Anonymous said...
